Apr 29, 2009



Baby Girl King is doing great. In 11 weeks she will enter this world. It's been a bumpy road along the way. She wanted to enter this world early a few times but she is a little fighter like her mommy and we all cant wait for her to be born. We all keep wondering who she is going to look like, if she is going to be a typical King Baby with the dark skin & hair. My guess big blue eyes and brown hair. She'll be beautiful!! WE cant wait to meet you baby girl king..we love you already!!

My brother Bill is doing great after his heart attack. We were all scared for him!! But I saw him last Sunday and he is doing great!! My big Brother is a fighter and stubborn. What can I say He is a King. We are all stubborn and hard headed..just ask my mom, she'll totally agree..especially those King girls are feisty..But he is doing good regardless and I'm super thankful that he is..I was so scared that something would happen to him. It just made me realize even more that I need to spend as much time with my family as I can. I love you brother Bill tons..

My Mom is getting done with all her stuff so she can finally have her surgery..I hate that she has to have surgery..but i know its a great think and i will be wonderful for her in the end. Dang, its a long process, I go to the doctors with her and WOW its a lot to do. I just want her to be happy and she deserves it. I LOVE YOU MAMA!!! Keep up with greatness. mu ah!!

more too come...

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