Jul 14, 2009

Jayde Marie Faith

July 10, 2009
8 pounds
19 inches long
This little girl was sent from God above to fill our heart with happiness & love.To grab you by the heart and cause you to fall madly in love . She has a special twinkle in her eyes that makes you want to give her the world.She is a princess.With a smile that can light up the darkest night she can sing her way into your heart with kisses and hugs laughter and tears.She's a bundle of sweetness. She's a ton of pictures of giggles and tears; of tantrums and excitement, amusement and fears. A bundle of mischief and often a tease who will capture you heart with her sweet innocence. She's mommy's little princess. Little girls are one of God's most precious masterpieces.
We love you sooo much baby girl & so glad your here and in our family..We are truly blessed!

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