Mar 27, 2009

Let's say someone you love breaks your trust, and your trying so hard to get past it despite all that is going on, on top of everything else. Simply because it hurts so much. But how fo you learn to just turn off your feelings for someone who you talked/saw all the time who has been an important person in your life for over 18 months. And whom your in love with. No matter how hard it is to know you must do it...Even if you both decided to remain friends, since that's how you started.

This person just walks away from you at the time when you needed them most. I guess you just expected too much out of them. Looking back at your memories, you know the words and the feelings felt where true and real. But part of you decides and thinks there is no way this other person could have loved you. Simply because: "Actions speak louder than words". And despite what you did, you had good intentions at the time is was just clouded by your emotions and love. I wont lie. I still think about this person everyday, it happens when someone's apart if your life that long{even still expecting them to apologize & be there}. You're still thinking about this person knowing that you just felt like an obligation to them at times and they didn't make an effort to include you in there life when you were trying to start one together and have a family or the fact that you were pregnant and lost your lovies. They didn't seem to consider those facts.

Still caring and loving this person; logically it doesn't make a bit of sense in your mind thinking you should hate them.They just walked away when you needed the the most and after all you've both been through together.

There are always red flags..they start blowing you off, not calling or texting as much,or they're no longer spending time with you. Maybe they're trying to be friends with their ex's, and things that they hear you said or didn't gets mis-communicated; whatever the case maybe. You hope they had meant the things they said to you, you would hope they didn't lie-about the way they said how they felt about you.

You find yourself taking everything in stride. Because you had hoped for; or even expected/planned a future with his person. Your world is spilit in two, and from what you hear or have seen..this person is handling things good,unlike you. You know they don't show there emotions that well but you go back to "actions speak louder than words'. You still feel sad sometimes when you're alone but your family and friends are heling you deal with things. And you're starting to feel better and start thinking the person you think about off and on "is missing out. They could have treated you better if they hadnt been so selfish and we're willing to change".

So you find yourself socializing again and not wanting to be sad, trying to get back to reality. The world doesnt jsut end or stop because one person had to go on and walk away from you. But you're alone one night, and the song they said was yours comes on the radio. You start thinking really hard, too long, you start to pray. And if you don't believe in a higher power, you just continue to think for too long, and too deep. Until you're left crying..maybe you havent cried in awhile, maybe you've been crying to much; but either way; you still feel like maybe this is one of the worst case of crying you have had to deal with.

Again, you start thinking, "why did they lie? why did they say time and time again that they loved me and wanted a future together? why after being apart and across the country from each other for 3 months something changed, when not weeks/days before they were telling you all the same things? You thinkg there a liar, and none of it meant anything to them. Right? But you know there not a liar and never have lied to you. You wonder if they sit alone at times like this, and think about you. You wonder if they even once shed a tear over you".

Then you think about how your whole relationship this person always looked you in your eyes and told you they were in love with you, they loved you so much more you will ever know, you were there everything, they would never leave you no matter how hard the times. They promised you the life, the future and family you both talked about since day one and wanted.

Then you go back to to the red flags. This person always called you to tell you they missed you, or missed hearing your voice, loved you and wished you were there. Or texted you just to day" I love you baby, or hope you're having a great day". then it gets fewer and fewr. You know that there busy because of the job there in, you knew what you signed up for when you got together. And you knew it would be hard at times. You think, maybe they're just busy and cant call or text. there job comes first and foremost. But then; red flags. So much time has gone by, and they havent been able to talk to you in so long. They should want to talk to you. and then you find out they've been taking the tine to talk to other people and werent to busy. So you know that they should have been able to talk to you. Whether a simple"hello,srry I've been busy' or "I love you". And if they love you, they should really be saying I love you,reminding you they cary everyday.

You know that if they really did love you like they say, they should step things up a notch(or 2, or 3, whatever uts takes). You start wondering'are they playing games? or "did they just want reassurance that you never lied to them about your feeling toward them?" Being selfish once more. I ask you this: what would you do? What have you done already to proce that you love the person you are ith? Should love have no bounds? and how do you distinguish whether somone doesnt truly love you, or they do but are too immature, selfish, stuck in the "party phase" of life, whatever the step outside of themselves, man up and take responsibilty for there actions and what they created. And do whatecer it takes. Becuase once the party stops, and everyone you know goes homes to the person they love. You'll be left alone by yourseld. I guess then no one would feel sorry for you. And those who do, they wont be able to help you, or magically turn back times.

Because no one should be expected to wait until the person you loves them,comes to their sense. And you cant wait forever. You could wait forever, in your heart. But by the times they take you might be too late. Life doesnt just stop because someone tells you they love you and always will but then walks away. And since actions speak louder than words, all the other person can do; is wait. And if you love this person, you shouldnt make them wuat. Or tell them to go on with their own life until you come around. You should BE with the person you truly love..assuming they love you back.

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