Apr 18, 2009

You know WHO you are!

You know who you are. I wish you could feel what you've caused. I would love to drown you in all the stupid, selfish, childish and heartless things you've done. If I could take everything back since the beginning I would in a heartbeat. But they are lessons learned not to trust people. I would be much happier if you wouldn't have done what you've done. I dislike your attitude and your actions. I'm sick and tired of it. I'm not looking for a fight. What you say is obscene and unfounded.

String together a sentence of tacky words and you've figured me out? You haven't figured anything out. I find it a bit humours actually that you make such an effort to do things.And please remember-it's your problem if that upset you so. Do Not label me as being mean, selfish, childish or any other falsification that makes you feel better about yourself. Take all your insecurities and shove them. I'm sick of people like you, thinking you know me and my life. Number 1..LEARN THE TRUTH! Number 2.. what you think you know..IT'S WRONG!

I had never felt so talked about or judged in my life. Now that's fame. And I'm sad for you.Work on your own relationships and self. When yours are perfect talk to me.Being civil doesn't work with you. I would love to make your days a living hell. But I am a better person then you'll ever be and don't hurt people just for the hell of it. GROW UP!!

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