Apr 17, 2009

Shake n Bake...haha

Wow, we're do I start. I was sitting here thinking of the words I wanted to say, but they just wouldn't come out right. So I found a different way. I got a piece of paper and I wrote; but there's no way to say everything. How do I portray to you what I think?

When people come into your life it is because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They teach you something you have never done. They give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! Lifetime relationships teach you lifetime lessons.

I close my eyes and what I see is:

A person who is beautiful right down into their soul. Words cannot describe the many qualities you show, the love and caring nature that you show with not only me but with those you know. You are truly a gift from God. I struggle and I search to try and find some words and yet I cannot capture all the things that make you you. Simply you know.

With you, its all about communication-always knowing exactly what to say but sometimes never actually having to say it. When no ones seems to be listening you hear. I know you cant give solutions to all life problems or you cant change the past. But you listen and give advice and together we find the answers. When I hurt but don't show it, you know. When I try to hide my tears you see. When I feel like I cant get through to anyone, you understand. Though you do not fully understand. You always find away to make it better and make me happy.

Your eyes glow just for me. You flash you magical healing smile my way and I know everything will be alright. I still think your in my head, you know things just by the way I text or through the phone.You know what worries me, what keeps me up at night and what I'm been through.Most importantly, none of those things bother you and you never judge.

Everything you mean to me you could never know in all the ways you've changed my life. I could never show the way you take care of me though its so incredible, that's just they way you are.

Before I get to mushy there's something you should know. As long as we are living, no matter when or where if you ever need me. I'll be there; I'd do anything to be there, cause you been there for me.

It wasn't a coincidence you " found" me again. Remember nothing is a coincidence and everything happens for a reason.

(Quick, what's my name, ha ha)

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