May 19, 2009

In response to the heart....

So, I've been doing some thinking and I'm complied to write, as usual. I don't know how to start this and put it into the right words, so I'm just going to write what is running through my head. I was talking to someone important to me , and he got a call saying that his brother's girlfriend had lost someone very important to her. And all of a sudden it was like I had a little epiphany and my body filled with sadness within seconds of him telling me about it. I don't know this person but I immediately felt sad and sympathetic and wanted to hug her. I guess anyone would feel that way when someone you care about, and they have a connection to losses someone they love.

I sit here wondering why our lives have to end and we all have to die at some point. We have no idea or no way of knowing of when we'll die. I sit here thinking of the people I've lost knowing of the pain and tears its cost. You could lose a family member or your very best friend and you would have had no idea that it was the end. If we had an idea of when our time would come you would make the most of it and have some fun and you would cherish those days as much as you could.

It's hard to say good-bye to some that you love, although you know they're safe with God. It doesn't make a difference if they're in their later years; it only means more memories to carry through the tears. You don't let yourselves forget, we each have numbered days for reasons that we do not know. God wanted it this way. Tears wash away the pain, but it cant remove the love, the memories live forever safe in your hearts.

And when someone loses someone we tell them not to cry that life will still go on without a reason why. If God were to come down from Heaven and see a tear fall I know He'd say its okays and it's the love that we recall. God wants us to remember all the good times that we shared. Tears don't erase the memories they remind us that they're always there.

(She played a different role in all there lives, a mother, a sister, and a grandmother; no matter what the love they have for her is one, ask anyone. They’ll tell you the same; she brought joy when they had pain, the strength and love of one woman held all of them together even more now then ever. She isnt physically here but they still feel her near in every step they take and every move they make. What she’s given to them no one can ever replace.)

So don’t stop yourselves from crying over someone that you love, as long as you remember that they’re safe with God and when you rise up to the heavens; look down and watch over the ones that you love. And not because I'm so super-spiritual; or because I have a more direct line to God than anyone else. I know this because He tells us we can trust in Him with our lives through good times, bad, sadness and happiness and I simply choose to believe Him. So today we give thanks for the lives we chance to share. No matter if they’re short or long God always will be there.

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