May 18, 2009


I write because if I scream, someone will judge. Because if I cry, they'll make me go to counseling. Because my complaints need to be heard, and my paper and pencil listen and understand. Because I want people to know the truth, without me having to see the disappointment in their eyes. Because my voice can be soft and my words are strong. Because other people cant write, and its a privilege to be a scribe for them. because if I don't,who will?

Ever wonder what would have happened if only you took that other road. If only you said yes in a different direction. Ever wonder what would have unfolded,if only you completed one more thing back in time when you did not know, the importance of cause and effect and how it shapes which way you'll go. Perhaps the grass will always look greener in someone else's life. Perhaps your path can never look straight when you standing in a perfect line. Ever wonder what would happened if that one person you loved did not die. Ever wonder if those painful tears were no longer yours to cry.

If perfect was a honest word then happiness if could never see. For if life is to live and learn then perfect i can never be. maybe as life goes on you realize more than glances.Perhaps the truth of it all is to give yourself a second chance.

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