Jun 29, 2009


Love is knowing that somebody will always stay by your side,keep your darkest secrets, and never stop loving you. When you're with somebody, and you feel as though you are on top of the world. When brushing up against there shoulder gives you tingles. When you're worried about them, or you miss them. When you cry in front of them and they don't act like it's the weirdest thing in the world. When you put aside foolish pride and fear and love them without regret, because without them there is no reason for caring. Its having the freedom to be yourself and speak your mind, knowing you wont be judged. Being able to talk to that person about anything;things you would never tell anyone else..anything. It's always having the person cheering you on, even when they're on the opposing team. Its when you think that you've found the only one for you.Its when you find the one who makes your heart smile.

Love is being able to call somebody after a bad thing happens, because you're so afraid and they stay on the so you' re not scared. its continuing a relationship, even though you live miles away from each other. Its accepting people for who they are and not judging them on their parents, or their past, or they family. Its a tickle around the heart . Its talking to somebody on the phone for hours,even if you're so tired you fall asleep while you're talking. Its when you'd rather spend one minute holding them, then the rest of your life knowing you never could. Its when you fall asleep thinking about that person and you wake up thinking about them until you fall asleep again. Its a fruit in season at all times and withing the reach if every hand.

Love is running around the house, slipping and falling on the floor,tripping over the dog and stubbing your toe,just because the phone rang and it might be them. Love us that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. Its when you realize they aren't perfect,but it doesn't matter. Its when you spend hours talking about nothing or anything,serious or non and still tell people.Its the way you feel when you put your arms out and spin and spin. Its when you risk the chance if getting hurt because you know it is worth while. Its a many splendid thing and lifts us up where we belong. Love isn't what makes the world go around, but what makes the trip worthwhile. Love,love is all you need...

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