Jun 17, 2009

Yuppers, its time!!

Okay, so situations in life haven't been going the way I planned them to. Which bits, because I feel like that I am fighting a losing battle and it breaks my heart. I don't want to lose the people I hold dear. But the reason why things have not been going my way, is because I've been trying to handle it myself. I was not following what God wanted me to , and I feel ashamed now. I hurt a lot of people with this mistake and I hope everyone can forgive me. But i do know one person who forgave me the second I pleaded for forgiveness: God.

God makes things happen for a reason. Sometimes we understand and sometimes we don't. I also know that if God wants something to happen in your life, or if He plans on putting certain people in your life, He'll make it happen! Nothing can stop God's plans in your life. So for the time being, I am letting my relationship with my Saviour continue and follow his word that I have followed my whole life. I will continue to pray for all of my loved ones, and hopefully,
one day, the past can stay the past, the current worries and heartaches can and will blossom into new solutions. And they people I so desperately want back in my life, will one day enter again, the right way.

I have faith. I am putting both my feet in the water. I trust that God will make whatever happens in the future, happen for the best. Not just for me, but for those special people as well. I pray that God will work wonders with them, like He always has.

"With God..all things are possible."

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