Jun 4, 2009


sometimes people exit your life as quickly as they enter it, in away you least expect it. Some people can make the biggest impact on you life in the smallest way and with the littlest things. Sometimes people makes promises that are simply physically impossible but they try their best to make them come true. Some hurt other with their words to get the rush they always desire, to get the pleasure that they find so amazing in life when in reality its something no one wants to think about.

Sometimes the word love is so overused it loses its meaning and what your left with is the idea that the four letter word is nothing more then just that.There's just hose days when you wake up and wish you hadn't but there are those days when you enjoy the sun shinning into your eyes and want nothing more then that feeling. Sometimes we can go to bed smiling all night and cant sleep because that one person just made a difference in your life. And sometimes you go to bed in tears for the whole night because you cant bare to think of how that same person hurt you. And your left with the memories and the real thing. No matter how long one lives this life, there will always be those people who have made your life what it is and nothing more.

Wow, things have been so crazy..Sac is crazy.Seeing and spending time with the people that mean the world to you;getting things ready for Jayde to enter this world in 5 weeks and the baby shower and having words with someone. I seriously dont know if I'm coming and going. My mind is in a thousand different directions. I know what I want and have to do and what I need to you. But I am trying my hardest to just do it. I dont want to hurt anyone. I love them and they mean the world to me. I'm at a lose. I'm keeping my faith strong and God is listening to my heart and guiding me to the right directions. I hope and pray that the choice I am going to make the people they affect will understand; and know that somethings you just have to do it and it doesnt mean I dont love and care for you with all I have to give.

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