May 29, 2009


What is love...
I love my mom, my family and friends. I love good music, I love cherry Pepsi, I love shopping, I love spending time with the people I care about, I love writing...and most of all I love God. The word love is often misused and abused. In the end it adds up to be careless talk and fuzzy thoughts.

So the reason for this blog is for my girl.I love her so much and she is going through something right now and she knows what to do but can seems to bring herself to do it.

I was asked the question "what is love".

I believe there are many different phases of love,levels of love and degree's of love.I also believe there are several different things that can get misinterpreted as love...lust, addictions, feelings, insecurities, connections formed due to what your use you call it love...

First of all love DOESN'T misunderstands, love can have bad communication at times, but loves DOESNT hurt. Love will never feel like a burden. How can an addition,be a subtraction. Anytime you add something or someone to you it should enhance you, help you, it should upgrade you. You cant love someone, if you don't first love yourself.

There are different phases of love:
The first is a strong desire of any kind, sometimes good, sometimes means to long for. Negative will translate as lust, positive will translate it as desire.

The second is the feeling of romance, it is ever changing and it cannot hold a relationship for long if you don't work at it.

This is where you draw the line between long term and temporary. Love which i do think you can have. it just doesn't last. these two forms of love are fleshly and emotional. They are also dangerous and foolish to stay in if you don't see the two involved moving to another stage. They can cause lots of emotional and physical damage that you are unaware of.

I feel that falling in love is a spiritual, mental,emotional and physical experience.

The third kind I will describe is as a comfortable relationship. Its a natural affection and a sense of belonging to one another. It provides security where one can feel safe and protected.

The fourth level of love you could say calls for sharing, communication and friendship. this level of love comes between those who share each others thoughts, feelings, attitude, plans and dreams..intimate things they would share with no one else.

the fifth level of love that we all want to reach it cant stand alone in human relationships but I will describe is as the deadbolt, the locks and the alarm on the relationship. this seals the love..this is a total unselfish love that doesn't take score.. it is the God kind of love that you need to sustain a marriage( i hope at this point) relationship. You can have one without the rest, Yes i do believe you parents with their kids. But if you truly want a strong relationship that long lasting love. it needs all of them. Becuase Love is true and pure. Love doesnt hurt.

Love you girl!!

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