Jul 31, 2009

craziness in the city

Oh gosh, last night I think I jumped out of my skin...it was freaky.

So last night around 10ish I went outside to take Chewy out and wait for Matthew to come over to my brothers house. I was talking to my mama and not paying attention and chewy ran of.
So I had to go track his fur butt done in the dark. So I'm coming back to my brothers. Mind you we are in Sac for a bit. Okay so going back to my brothers, I'm not paying attention, holding chewy and ending the call from my mama and Matthew is texting me.

Omgshh, what do I find!! There is person flipping' sleeping at the bottom of the steps. Seriously i freaked out I was so scared and dropped Chewy and my phone. Yea broke my phone. So not happy.
Anyway.. I'm freaking out, got to get chewy and i just want to get into my brothers house. this person is yelling at me.
Mind you my nephew Stephen and his girlfriend Alisha are upstairs with there baby. I call Stephen to run his happy butt down stairs to save his auntie. He thinks I'm crazy..
He comes downs stairs with a flipping hammer to save me. Yea a hammer!!

My nephew Stephen is four times my size..and he is scared to..and the hammer is the size of Nozmo(his four month old son). he has no idea what to think of this person sleeping there.its a homeless person mind you.

My nephew asked this person kindly to leave and they cant sleep there..then is person procceeds to get up and go up the steps to my nephew..and then starts yelling at him and telling him off. he just waits for this person to leave so i can come up into the house. I'm with Matthew by his car freaking out holding chewy.

Finally we can go into the house..all scared and nervous from what happened...I'm scared..my nephew told my brother when he got home that someone tried to attack his auntie..hes nuts..

but it was very scary and nothing that I've experienced before ever. it just shows you that when your in the city and you don't pay attention anything can happen and it could have turned into something way worse then it did.

You shouldn't go out at night alone even to take your puppy out..and not paying attention can get you hurt. Also pay attention and relay on you senses.

NEVER GO OUT ALONE AT NIGHT. now my brother wants to follow me everywhere.

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