Jul 28, 2009

the strength I need

The Lord is the strength of my life. Psalm 27:1

Have you made God the cornerstone of your life, or is He relegated to a few hours on Sunday morning? Have you genuinely allowed God to reign over every corner of your heart, or have you attempted to place Him in a spiritual compartment? The answer to these questions will determine the direction of your day and your life.

God loves you. In times of trouble, He will comfort you; in times of sorrow, He will dry your tears. When you are weak or sorrowful, God is near as your next breathe. He stands at the door to your heart and waits. Welcome Him in. And then. accept the peace, the strength and the protection that only God can give.

Dear Heavenly Father,
You never leave or forsake me. You are always with me protecting me and encouraging me. Whatever this day may bring, I thank you for Your love and Your strength Let me lean upon You this day and forever. Amen


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