Jul 21, 2009

my little rant..its done & over now!!

I can't actually believe that I'm lowering myself to writing this when the truth is I should be walking away with my head held high, not giving a flying monkey about what people think of me.
So, here is a tip for the ‘oh so high & mighty’ that likes to leave nasty little messages. The next time you decide to threaten someone on a text message….just take a quick moment to think about how that's harassment.Are you adults, or 13 year olds?

Right now you are a puppet in a game of revenge and you're too stupid and narcissistic to see it,but I assure you, it'll end with a bang. Call me what you want and believe what you want, it just reinforces how naive you are and how easily led you can be when you're thinking with your “male parts”.Perhaps it is ignorance on your part that allowed you to drink in every lie and piece of gossip you were told , who knows.Perhaps the storyteller is just extremely convincing.... tells 95% truths then throws the odd whopper in knowing that no one will question whether it's a lie or not.

Wow…just …wow. that’s super classy of you, string together a sentence of tacky words and you've figured me out?You haven't figured anything out. And please remember- it's your problem if that upset you so. Do not label me as being mean, selfish, childish, or any other falsification that makes you feel better about yourself.I don't have to make a very conscious effort to be a good person. Because I already am one. I have way better morals and values. But there come a point when I cant take it anymore an act like everything is fine.Take all your insecurities and shove them.I'm sick of people like you, thinking you know me and try to bring me down.I am a good person, I would NEVER dream of ruining someone else to better myself. I don't lie,I don't cheat, I don't steal..and I'll let you in on a secret- I NEVER have.

You need to think before you speak. Isn't there some sort of law against harassment of that type over the phone?? Also, you should probably verify your information before you start making ridiculous accusations…sorry, but you seem to be a little off on your ‘facts’.I already know for a fact that I don’t rate in your little world,so why try to bite MY tongue. So there ya go, get your little rants out, and I’ll be happy to give you my own opinion on your craziness b/c I don’t deserve to be treated that way, and to be honest, I could give a flying monkey what you think of me personally anymore.

Nothing you could say, or think about me could be half as bad as what I know about you. No one buys into your little selfish world but your own self. So go ahead and keep pushing. Keep pushing EVERYONE away until you have no one but yourself to have your little pity party with. That’s what you want right? To be the victim? To be able to say, for no particular reason other than your own selfishness, and pride. Did I hit the nail on the head there?? So, here’s a thought. The next time you decide you want to jump up in that self righteous state of mind of yours, ask yourself who you’re REALLY hurting, and why. If its because you think you have stated ANY valid points thus far.If its because of your extremely foolish pride, for crap sake, grow some damn balls, think about what you are doing, and/or saying.

It's not OK when it starts to affect other people.People really need to start getting back to what's real and whats important.I have never felt so talked about, so judged and most of all so defenseless in my life. You don't and never have known the whole story.And it's sad to me, you don't even care.I care way too much about other people's feelings and thoughts to put myself first and take matters into my own hands. Guess what, not anymore.

But unlike some, I’ll be damned if I will sit here and not come to my own defense….that’s just not who I am.Oh, and before you go assuming that this blog is some kind of challenge for war, you're wrong. I run from nothing, I do not hide and I don't usually waste my time defending myself to people,but on this occasion I decided to stand up for myself.

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