Jul 16, 2009

my thoughts or opinions.WHY!

Before you get started reading this…keep in mind I myself am not perfect.
I wrote this kind of fast. My mind never shuts off and I’m always thinking about things that happen in life. And when things happen with someone I really care about I tend to think about things even more. So what do I do, I feel complied to write. Writing seems to be my outlet with things that happen good or bad or indifferent.

The question is, why??

We all have moments in our lives, when we think why?
Why do we go through the things in life that don’t seem fair? Why do we lose the ones we love? Why do we lose the ones we may not love but put time and effort into? Why do we cry when we break up with our boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancé, husband/wife like there is no tomorrow? Why does one choose to take their own life?

As a woman of only 24 years old I still don’t have a grasp as to why things happen the way that they do. But in those 24 years I may not have experienced a lot; but I’m experienced enough good and bad.

These are my questions and semi-answers, better yet my opinions….

Why do we go through the things in life that doesn’t seem fair?

In my opinion life in general is not fair. In order for us to grow as individuals we must lose. Lose does not mean a bet, a softball game, a friendly game etc… but simply lose. Lose a pair of favorite shoes to realize we need to be more careful where we place things. Lose a friend to open our eyes to a bigger picture. Even if its to show us that, that person isn’t a person we thought they were or that we need to change how we go about friendship because we lost one of the greatest friends we could ever ask for. To lose is to learn. If we lose something that we really want, our eyes should be opened to what it takes to keep those things and those people we really don’t want to lose in life.So my theory is…to lose is to learn.

Why do we lose the ones we love?

This is a hard one! For me own selfish reasons I know I’ll never understand why we lose the ones we love. But, lets be realistic, every morning we wake up is a blessing. We have been given at least one more day that we know of to shine. Do we take advantage of the fact that it maybe our last day? A majority of us will answer, NO! Once again our world is not perfect! We are not perfect; if we were there would be no room for us here on earth.

Children are brought into our lives and taken away in the blink of an eye. My theory is children are prefect from that very second they are born and build imperfections as times goes by. Some children are brought into our lives because God feels we need angels to watch over us. No better angel then one that you yourself created and brought into this world and had to watch leave. It’s a blessing in disguise. It’s the most devastating thing in this world to have your child leave this world. Our mom, dad, aunts, uncles, cousin, grandparents, friends, neighbors and people we don’t know die everyday. It’s devastating, painful and not fair! Some are sick, some are healthy, some can’t wait for the pain to be over, some are terrified its going to be over too soon. It happens, life and death is what makes our world what is it. You have to lose some to win some. When the loss is NOT a result of hatred, murder, stupidity, drugs or alcohol then my theory is …God breaks our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best!

Why do we lose the ones we may not love, but put time and effort into?

Some things and some people just aren’t meant to be a part of our life. You never know unless you try. You never learn that these people are not meant to be a part of you until you put forth the effort. In the end you may think of it as being a waste of your time, but was it really? If you never take the time to listen, watch or talk to somebody, how well do you really get to know them?Don’t ever walk into a situation of meeting and getting to know somebody based off what other people think or say, even thought it’s the easy thing to do. It’s not fair! Judge a person off what YOU get from listening, observing and talking with them. My theory; never judge a book by its cover or from the summery on the back. Get your own feelings and impressions of the person, then make and have you own opinions of them. If you go through life based off what everyone else thinks, you will not get far. No matter what mistakes they have made in the past, we all deserve a fair change to be seen for whom we really are…good or bad.

Why do we cry when we break up with our boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancé, husband/wife like there is no tomorrow? LOL…I can personally say that I’ve done this. As we grow we hate to be that one nobody wants. Puppy live, high school sweethearts, grown up love, true love, marriage…nobody can resist the pain from not being wanted. At least not anybody I know. In high school you get the good ole’ high school drama; then the break up, and the poor me. As we get older it gets harder, they get more serious and some move into a progressive direction of marriage. Sex shouldn’t be a big factor unless you’re married. Sex only belongs with two people who are married. Sex outside of marriage wanted or unwanted brings one of two things to a relationship…times of feeling special and being close or problems. Sex is only important and really special in marriage, is means more.

Does it hurt to be cheated on by a simple kiss? Yes, but it is devastating to be cheated on with the act of sex. Oh my gosh!! That takes cheating to a whole new level. If you’re going to be in a relationship…be in the relationship, why cheat? If you’re engaged to be married, why cheat? If you are married, why stay married and still cheat, hoping you won’t get caught? Cheating in my book is anyone stepping outside of a committed relationship, engagement or marriage using acts of affection that should only be shared with the one you’re committed to. My theory is it all boils down to losing your “better half” at the time is the worst feeling in the world. You may be strong from the start and be able to let go. Some cant. Many don’t like the feeling of not being wanted. It’s understandable but sadly, that’s how some relationships, engagements and marriages go. Before you can be true to someone else, be true to yourself. Give to the better half only what you can handle and want to receive in return. Everyone needs somebody, nobody deserves to be deceived.

Why does one choose to take there own life?

It happens! Everyday and I’ll never fully comprehend why and what state of mind one would have to be in to do such a selfish act. I’ve been down to where I felt I didn’t want to wake up the next morning because I’m sick and I’m so tired of being sick and being in pain, or the lose of my child I was so heart broken I didn’t want to go on. It took and takes time, God, family, loved ones and friends to realize that in life there are going to be things that happen that we may not life or think is fair. Things happen for a reason. There are going to be people in our life that hurt and disappoint us and we don’t think they care. Is that a reason to take your life…NO! At least I don’t think so. I’ve been weak in many different times in my life, especially in the past year, with the lose of my child and finding out I’m sick. But I had to find strength. If it wasn’t in myself; it was in a family member, a friend and most importantly my faith in God. You have to believe that even when times get rough it doesn’t have to be the end or be over. Your family will be there, your friends will be there but you can’t expect for someone to care and make the effort with you if you’re not willing to do it for yourself. When you take your own life, it’s apparent there is something wrong. That doesn’t mean it can’t or couldn’t be fixed or compromised with. There are all kinds of sources to run to when you feel there is nowhere to run to, your just not opening your eyes wide enough when you take your life. You’re taking with you a little piece of everyone who has ever cared and loved you tremendously. Your selfish act leave them to suffer with the pain of never getting to say good bye, asking themselves why, trying to understand what went wrong. It’s not fair to those who really do care to have to suffer from somebody else’s selfishness’. When we love or care about somebody the last thing we want is to lose without a goodbye. It’s hard enough to lose them to the ignorance of someone else, a car accident, an illness, but to selfishness, that’s just not fair.

My theory on this all is…pray! First, we should pray because Jesus told us to. Do we need a better reason than that? Jesus said, “Men ought always to pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1). That is not even to mention the blessings of watching our prayers being answered, such as the salvation of a loved one or a divine healing or a wonderful provision. If Jesus said we should do it, then let’s do it. Second, we should pray because it is God’s appointed way for obtaining things. God works in our lives through prayer. James 4:2 tells us, “You do not have because you do not ask.” This means there may be things God wants to give to us that are not yet ours because we have not specifically asked. Third, we should pray because through prayer, we overcome our anxiety and worry. The Bible says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6). When we are tempted to worry, we should pray. Lastly, prayer is one of the ways we make ourselves ready for the return of Christ. Jesus said, “Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is” (Mark 13:33). Why not put these things into practice today?

Live life for its ups and downs, take advantage in the love that you receive; never turn your back in the time of someone else’s cry for help…. You never know when that one cry for help may be the last.

This is just the surface of things… the question “why” alone is a strong question that is hard to answer.

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