Aug 20, 2009

talkative & a lil ball of fire, I am!!

So, I’ve been doing some thinking and I’m complied to write, as usual.
I fear that once I get started, I wont be able to stop, since I am super duper talkative and a little ball of fire. God teaches us that we can never get too comfortable in life. He will always throw things at us to keep us on our toes. He brings people into our lives for a reason & they leave for one to. He allows us to get to the point that we trust someone, and then just as we get comfortable, he socks it to us. I guess it is His way of proving to us that we can't live without Him.

I had a little epiphany today, I had the last straw and my body filled with anger and hurt within 5 second and all of a sudden, I completely realized that I don’t need to waste me time on it. I need to focus on what and who is important. Within less than 24 hours I really have thought about things. A LOT!! I can’t believe it took me this long to see it.

Okay, so I guess the reason for this blog is because Matthew and I value in our relationship that we have great communication. And I think that having great communication with the person you’re with as well as anyone else in your life. Everyone would probably agree with me. Super duper! So last time I was in Sacramento, Matthew and I had a serious conversation, well all our conversations are serious; however this one was more. And that’s between us, so I won’t tell you what it was about since it’s private. Mind you this blog is not about Matthew and I, I’m trying to make a point, promise!! Okay maybe I’ll make the point now, or I’ll try!! So sometimes a subject or person always comes up, well because it does, because I’m a woman and if I don’t talk it out with that person it’ll never leave my mind. So mainly, this blog is about communication or at least the point I’m trying to make. Maybe it’s not working out so good- oohh well!! It’s hard because the blog is kind of directed to a person, & they read this blog. Okay maybe not kind of, it is; but she unwillingly doesn’t know it. Until I have enough guts to bring it to her, we won’t go any further. That time will come!!

Well, pin a rose on my nose…I’m babbling and need or try to make a point. And heck I think I forgot my point. Oh yeah, okay am I scared that this person may judge me if I tell them? Or change there thoughts about me or maybe walk away? Am I better off without saying anything? Do I think it won’t or will change if I let it out or think no one is listening? There is always going to be someone there to listen and help you out on every situation.

Okay, okay- I think I’m done babbling and probably didn’t make a point at all, heck, whatever tootles my flute right! I tried to make the point of having good communication because I want and value that and honesty in a relationship with anyone in my life. Blah- blah- blah…..

(Side note: the person I know you read this, I love you and you’re very important to me & I’m sorry about this blog. But I had to get it off my chest. I think we need a day were we can just talk, how about you!! There’s different things we talk about but its hard over text & when we see each other, it’s sometimes hard to ask with everyone around. But I love you and your amazing!! )

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