Aug 20, 2009


Life takes unexpected turns in a matter of seconds. Life surprises you with things you'd never thought of seeing, hearing, or believing. Life puts you in situations you'd never thought of being in. One day you’re happy, next day you’re sad; one day you’re alive & next day you’re not (God forbid). You may say that life isn't fair (although it is sometimes true) but God never puts you in situations you can't make it through. Only He knows why he does things, everything is meant to be. Everything happens for a reason. Everything has a purpose in life. If you want to make it far in life- keep your head up, never lose interest in life. Have hope, faith and love; forgive and forget the people that have caused you harm.

Hatred never puts you ahead in life; it takes you many steps back and sucks you into a world of negative thoughts and feelings. When you’re filled with hate it just causes more bad and poor choices. I've learned to forget but not forgive (yet) the people who have done harm. Although the pain is still inside (but never let out) I've learned to suck it up. Always have a smile on my face no matter what. To hide away problems and pain; I still have problems trying to let it all out, that's the hardest part of all- letting go of every pain that has been hidden deep inside.

Love everyone close to you & cherish every moment with them because you never know if it will be the last time seeing them or them seeing you. Appreciate life everyday. Live it as if it was your last.<3

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