Apr 8, 2009

How strong you really are....

God teaches us that we can never get too comfortable in life. He will always throw things at us to keep us on our toes. It seems that he brings people into our lives just to bring us down. He allows us to get to the point that we trust someone, and then just as we get comfortable, he socks it to us again. I guess it is His way of proving to us that we can't live without Him, but it sure makes it hard to trust.

Sometimes, when you hit a road block, when you come across an obstacle, when you hit a bump in the road, it's difficult to deal with it on your own. At that point you realize that you need to turn to someone for the wisdom that such circumstance have struck your ability to find in yourself.

People allow outside influences to enter their lives, and the destruction it can cause. People, should have some boundaries, there should be some things that are just right and wrong. People who are enticed by things that they know are wrong or that can create hurtful situations, they should have respect enough, if not for themselves, but for others, to reject it and to face their own issues.

I'm not going to worry about the pathetic, desperate, empty people that try to tear my relationships apart. I'm not going to worry what people think or say about me. I'm not going to worry about the judgements passed upon the way I live. I'm not going to worry about anything but how happy I really am: based upon everything I love and believe in, with all that I want in my life. And all I have to do is smile bigger and bigger every time I hear someone say anything negative about me. Because in the end, I know I have everything I need and the people that thought they were getting to me are simply jealous.

So to those of you that have nothing better to do then criticize or( try to) affect my thoughts,beliefs, relationships,friendships; etc. I may have cared ( very little) before, and I honestly don't hate to break this to you: I officially don't care anymore.

I am who I am and I have what I have. If you dont like who I am or want what I have, too bad. Get your own identity, think for yourseld..dont be a sheep..It's okay if everyone doesnt agree with you. Trust me.

It's unfortuante that some people think that they hold some kind of power to interrupt or hurt you. But let me ask you a question while you're doing so... how are some of your relationships doing?

Why waste so much time pointing out everyone else's flaws and shortcoming in just about every aspect of their lives when your own just start becoming More and more noticeable as every day goes by. Why try to hurt other people or interfere with others people's relationships when your own may be suffering due to the lack of attention they are receiving because you're too busy paying attention to everyone else. Work on yourself, first and foremost. When you're perfect, that's when you can start on me.

As life continues to go on, sometimes at a pace that is out of sink, we must remain mature enough to say; "that's just not right'; or " I really shouldn't allow this to happen" and immediately as for help. I'm sure I will face many new challenge in the upcoming months, but I'm staying focused to the right path.

For those who are reading this, I just needed to vent a little. When things get tough turn to Friends, family and God. Place trust in God, Friends and family, and begin to move on. He will bring people into your life to help you..trust me!!

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