Apr 17, 2009

Im done..Im gone..

This is where I draw the line. I have always worn my heart on my sleeve and I'm done doing that with you, with anyone, really. To be honest I would have done anything and everything for you because I fell in love with the person you were. And I understand that people change. I just thought you never would. I remember getting phone calls from Honduras at crazy hours of the night and I would always answer them to talk to you.

You have no idea what you had me going through while you were over there, every second of the day. I would worry about you, if you were alright or if you were on a call an things were okay; in general I would worry about you just being safe because that's all I wanted. And when we would talk we would talk about our childhood, the future, and past relationship that had broke hearts and we swore that we would never do that to each other. I kept my promise,you didn't.

I never really got that attached to someone like how I got attached to you but this past month in a half I've taught myself to not even care about you any more. Yes, it sounds harsh but you did the same thing with me.

After you got back from Honduras I didn't understand at first but then I realized that you were trying to get back to life in the states and with your family. But since you were back home and safe you didn't feel the need to include me in your life. But I always included you with mine. I always made excuses for you to justify your actions because I didn't want to see it. I was too much in love with you.

I suppose I did my part, I was there for while you were overseas, when you came home and when you left again. Now I have no use of being around you.

I never asked for or wanted the moon and stars, what I wanted was simple, I just wanted you, the future and life we always talked about. And you said that I had your heart? Well I don't want it anymore so go ahead and take it back because I have no use for it.

I knew you were too good to be true because you were everything I thought I wanted,and now I see what makes you too good too be true. And what I don't get one bit is that how could you disappoint me and let down life the way you did? There were so many nights and days we would stay up talking about disappointments, love, the future, family and everything and you would tell me over and over that you would never cheat or hurt me. And of course like a sucker I believed you. I never thought you would let me down ,cheat and make me hurt that much...

I'm done..I'm gone..You lost an important person and now I'm finally happy. You got one thing to learn I can live my life and these next years with my family, knowing I want nothing to do with you. Hope your life is fine.

Watching you walk out of my life doesn't makes me better. But rather I realize that if wanted so badly to be with the wrong person, how beautiful it will be when the right one comes along...

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for standing up and saying what you need to say. I hope he reads this, I hope he feels some of what he made you feel. You are strong and beautiful, and I'll pray that God blesses you with the "right one" and that it be everything you want and more! I love you, Cousin!
