May 14, 2009

It's like this.....

Life is full of obstacles no matter who you are. If it's not worth having it certainly isn't working for, and if it's not worth the work then it's not what you really desire to accomplish or posses.

I've heard so many individuals ask as well as myself "why does this keep happening to me?!" "What am I doing wrong?" "What did I do to deserve this?"..I'm sure you get the picture. In response to the very same question I used to ask myself. But then I remember, if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got. Well holy cow.. How do you respond with "What do you mean" or "But why", because this statement is self is simple, and no matter what I thought I had to challenge this profound statement.

I have no idea where this blog is going when I started it but I wanted to make my focus on living life to the fullest and not settling for less because we all deserve happiness in some part of our lives. If the way we are living does not provide any satisfaction or productivity toward our goals then what is the point?

To live day in an day out as each monotonous events blends into the next. To continue doing so( even once the pattern is acknowledged) is insanity. No matter who you are, you deserve a bit of satisfaction in knowing you are where you are because you are the one in control and you are the one who make the choices on where your future is headed.(Children are the only exception because we are the ones that guide them & we are responsible for their lives until further notice.) If you want more out of life or feel like you missing something then by all means make some changes and stop talking about. Talking about it never got you anywhere . I'd like to believe in magical thinking or " the power of positive thinking" but come on-- you want something,you need to work for it. Some people mention the dead end thing, like everywhere they go that is what they come up with:more dead ends.

As it sit here thinking of all the things in life. I realize even more everyday how blessed I am. I have a family that loves me and friends that are my back bone. I've always heard you are only as good as your people are. How true this statement is in so many ways.

When you feel lost to the world and can't find the words to even send up a simple prayer; O think it's in that moment God hears your heart. I'm so grateful for that. I recently have been speechless and silent ( & if you know me...that is strange). Its during this time I could only muster up enough personal strength to send a S.O.S up to the all mighty,praying that he could hear my heart during this time of solitude. Let's just say God comes in mysterious ways.

I got many answers when I did this. As I continue to search within my own soul for peace and my place in this world. I know in confidence that love is all I'll ever need. I will go to my grave knowing that love is the " golden ticket". No amount of money or status will bring peace to you. Love alone is what gets your through the troubled times.

If you want change in your life... Well, it's like this; "if you do what you've always done,you'll get what you've always got". A lack of creativity and laziness is the result of these inevitable dead ends.

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