May 24, 2009

the heart of..

I want you to do something really kind for your heart because your heart matters. When was the last time anyone in your life told you that.

When I was a little girl ,my favorite books were fairy tales. Snow white, Cinderella, you remember. I loved the stories, could have gazed at the beautiful pictures for hours. It's not that I thought my life was a fairy tale- far from it. Those fairy tales told me of a life I wanted to live. The mystery and beauty, to danger and adventure, and above all, to romance and the happily ever after. I don't think I'm alone in this. Sometimes just the words "once a upon a time" could take me there.

Many decades have passed since I was a little girl, and the heart that was stirred by those fairy tales now seems to have belonged to someone else.

The story is found in Genesis chapter 1-3. What begins as formless and void slowly takes shape. God is the master artist and he begins his creation with land and sea,heaven and earth.After he creates the oceans and gives them there borders, He fills them with creatures. After He creates the lands, He brings forth the tress and the birds. He continues his work, and moves from fish and birds to animals. Then something truly astonishing takes place. God sets his own image on the earth. He creates a being like himself. He creates a son. " the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man becomes a living being" Genesis 2:7. He alone is pronounced the son of God. Adam is magnificent! Truly, the masterpiece seems complete. And yet, something is not good, not right. Something is missing..and that something is Eve.Eve is the final work of God. She is the finishing touch.

The vast desires of a woman has for intimate relationships tells us of God's own desire for intimate relationships. In fact,this may be the most important thing we learn about God- that He yearns for a relationship with us. The whole story of the Bible is a love story between God and his people. He yearns for us . He cares. He has a tender heart.
" I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be there God, for they will return to me with all their heart.." Jeremiah 24:7.

What a comfort to know that this universe we live in is relational to its core, that our God is a tenderhearted God who yearns for relationship with is. If you have any doubt about that. simply look at the message he sent us in woman. Amazing. Not only does God long for us, but He longs to be loved by us. Can there be any doubt that God wants to be sought after? The first and greatest of all commands is to love him- Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 22:36-37,Mark 12:29-30. God wants us to love him. To seek him wholeheartedly. A woman longs to be sought after too. God longs to be desired. Just as a woman longs to be desired. This is not some weakness or insecurity on a woman's part. God feels the same way. Remember the story of Martha and Mary? Mary chose God, and Jesus said that is what he wanted. "Mary has chosen what is better"- she chose me. Luke 10:42.

Life changes dramatically when romance comes into our lives. That God yearns to share a life of beauty,intimacy and adventure with us. Eve, God's message to the in feminine form. This world was made for romance-the river, the meadows and beaches.Flowers. music.kisses. But we have a way of forgetting all that, losing ourselves in work and worry. God through Eve makes love a priority of the world. Oh yes, our God has a passionate, romantic heart.Just look at Eve. Eve is standing right there when God gives the world over to us. She has a vital role to play; she is a partner in this great adventure.

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