May 29, 2009

Truths as I see them

First and foremost let me just say these are my truths as I see them. The may not make sense to you just as some of yours may not make sense to be. But take them for whatever it's worth and you mind find out you think the same way..

1. THERE IS NO ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Truth is a state of mind and interpretation of events, situations or idea..therefore my truths are my interpretations and you truth are yours.

2. TRUTHS CHANGE as our perception or understanding changes. Truth is nothing more than an idea.

3. YOU CANNOT CHANGE WHO YOU ARE UNTIL YOU ACCEPT WHO YOU ARE NOW. Once you accept your present being and state of mind, you then can formulate who you want to be and work towards that... So far for me, I am always trying to improve - but impatience to already be the person I am striving to be often slows me down.

4. GUILT IS POINTLESS. When you do something you are not proud of - all you can do is what you can to correct it, forgive yourself, learn from it and move on... This is probably one of the hardest things for me to master... I can forgive anyone else fairly easily for just about anything... But when I screw up....Guilt resolves nothing... positive action is a much better reaction.

5. FORCING SITUATIONS. You can force things to happen, but there is no glory in that - the results do not feel good and generally don't last.

6. RANDOM IS NEVER RANDOM. Everything happens due to the choices you make and there are only so many choices.

7. LIFE IS ABOUT THE JOURNEY & CONNECTIONS ALONG THE WAY. For me this is so true... I remind myself of this when I get caught up in the whys, what ifs and whens... Then I know I'm not enjoying the moment. When I am present and in the moment, everything is glorious - even the pit falls... Really.


9. PAIN IS INEVITABLE, SUFFERING IS BY CHOICE. This for me is the whole silver lining thing...

10. EXPECTATIONS ARE A MANIFESTATION OF FUTURE DISAPPOINTMENT. If you do something because you are expecting a particular outcome your almost sure to be disappointed... if you do it hoping for a particular outcome but are open to variations... well, you may be pleasantly surprised..




14. REALITY, JUST LIKE TRUTH IS SIMPLY AN IDEA BASED IN INDIVIDUAL PERCEPTION. So don't complain when you find yourself in a rabbit hole you created.

15. WORDS DO HURT... AND HEAL. Therefor I think it is wise to be careful how we use and chose our words.

16. GREY HAIR & WRINKLES ARE NOT A SIGN OF WISDOM. Some of the wisest things ever said to me were said by a 4 year old... and they have no grey hair or wrinkles

17. OLDER PEOPLE HAVE A LOT TO TEACH US if we will just shut up and listen.

18. GOOD PEOPLE DO BAD THINGS. I get so sick of people judging others for being human... I know I get caught up in this sometimes, but I really do try to remember this one ALWAYS... you never know what the heck makes someone be crappy things at any given moment... I know I have done some really hurtful and sometimes bad things in my life, but I think overall I'm still a good person... and if I don't want to be judged by my mistakes, how can judge someone else for theirs?

19. SOMETIMES IT IS BETTER TO BE KIND THAN RIGHT. Being self righteous for the sake of being right makes you dis-likeable... I don't think I have ever really felt bad by being kind instead of right... but I have felt bad being right instead of kind.

20. NICE GUYS/GALS MAY NOT FINISH FIRST BUT WE ARE NEVER LAST! I think that if you conduct yourself with integrity, honesty, kindness and honor you may take longer to get to the finish line...but once you cross it your success lasts longer than the bully who pushed you down to get ahead... This it not to say that you shouldn't be competitive... you just don't have to go for the jugular every time.

21. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SELFLESS ACT. We all (presumably) do things for someone else to make them feel good or help them out or whatever. But ultimately you do this because it makes you feel good in some way - even if only because you are filling a sense of obligation.

22. IN ORDER TO BE INTERESTING, YOU MUST BE INTERESTED. It is not enough to be creative and self absorbed in whatever grabs your attention in a given moment. To be interesting, you must be curious about things beyond you.

23. ALL ANYONE REALLY WANTS IS TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED & VALIDATED. I try to remember this in every encounter... we all want to be appreciated, complimented and noticed. The key here is to be sincere which is effortless and natural if you accomplishing

24. EVERYTHING YOU GET IN LIFE IS A RESULT OF HOW WELL YOU NEGOTIATE. So don't complain when you agree to do something for less than your "worth"... if you agreed to it and don't like it accept that you made a bad deal, learn from the experience and vow to do better next time.

25. YOU CAN ALWAYS RE-NEGOTIATE. Not much in life is set in stone, you can always re-negotiate a bad deal, walk away from it or do the "take away", you just have to be prepared for a less than desirable result.

26. EVERYONE IS CREATIVE IN SOME WAY. This is another one I hate "I don't have a creative gene in my body"... your full of it!!... what about that really creative lie you told when you were 12 to get out of trouble w/ your parents?... Or the way you creatively created more space in a room where there seemed to be none. You may not be Picasso, but you are at time creative.

27. LIMITATIONS ARE IN OUR HEADS. If you declare you aren't something - well you will make it true... just as when you declare you are something you can make that true... The key is how bad do you really want it and how much do you really believe in it. I remind myself of this when it seems that something I have my sights on just isn't happening. I ask myself... do I really want this or did I just think I wanted it? Or the worst is - do I think I really deserve it?... This for me is one of the things I struggle with all the time... getting clear about what I want and believing I can have it.

28. LIKING YOURSELF IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN LIKING ANYONE ELSE. It has taken me forever to really appreciate this 'DUH' concept... I mean, really if you don't like yourself it doesn't really matter what you accomplish, who you are with or what you have... you will not enjoy it and people will not enjoy you.

29. THE LAWS OF ATTRACTION ARE REAL. Do I really need to explain?... You attract what ever you mirror... It's the whole like levels of water seek each-other out. I tend to really examine this when things aren't going "well"... Look in the mirror...

30. AGING DOESN'T MEAN BECOMING DULL. I am now at an age where I have friends of all ages... and it amazes me when I meet a 30 year old who feels that because they are married and have kids, they can no longer enjoy all sorts of wonderful things because they have to be responsible. Well, I'm not saying you need to be a freaking 16 year old for eternity... but being a responsible adult has nothing to do with entertainment.

31. RABBIT HOLES & LAND MINES ARE EVERYWHERE. Stay away from them - they usually are disguised as a barrel of fun, but they are in fact very, very dangerous... trust me on this!

32. LEARN FROM YOUR PAST - DON'T LIVE THERE. I think this is harder and easier as you grow older....

33. REVEAL IN YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS, FORGET YOUR MISTAKES. This is a big life lesson for me... I have accomplished a lot in my short life, but I am so critical of myself that I often miss the celebration in the moment because I am so distracted by how I could have done this or that better. Nobody is perfect, we all could do everything better all the time... get over it! I suppose this is the whole being present in the moment stuff as well.

34. LIFE IS MEANT TO BE LIVED. I Talk about this a lot, but I think it's because I see so many people not living their lives. They are sleeping through it... This is sorta that If it's not fun, don't do it... or as I like to say, what can you do to make it more fun?... I think this is one I am pretty good at... although I can always do better...

So these are just some of the truths that I see..And some of you might agree with me!!

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