May 29, 2009


There's this very important guy in my life, and for some reason whenever I'm in his presence or talking to him; he brings something out in me. And He knows it, and the funny thing is "I know" he does. He's in my thoughts. And with all the countless times we talk, what I find the most fascinating and I don't know if he knows this, but knowing him he most likely does. That with him, I can say or tell whats completely in my heart. That right there tell me something!! But the reason I do is because I know part of his heart and his heart is amazing!An everyone he knows will tell you! God will always bring the right people into your life at certain points in your life because there meant to be there and there meant to teach you something you don't know yet!

Today, I ask us to examine the things, people, and situations in our lives that we are having trouble letting go of. Let's make a list if we have to; be honest with yourself; ask your higher self if this person, job, habit, or situation is allowing you to evolve and grow;If the answer is "no," then LET IT GO.

Let go of everything that holds you back.Let go of people, things, situations, thoughts, ideas, concepts, dis-empowering beliefs that do not allow you to grow and evolve. A lot of times we complain about our circumstances or our relationships, yet we hold on to the very things and people that are holding us back and making us unhappy.We want better for ourselves, we want more passion, we want more love, we want more success and prosperity, we long for healthier relationships, etc. And we wonder why we can't achieve what we desire in life--but we have no space! We block these experiences from taking place in our lives because we are still holding on to that which is not serving us.

I realize there is fear in leaving something or someone we are familiar with, but that discomfort will pass. And some tend to call upon prayer in this time.

But let me tell you something: God wants your life-all of it. Ninety five percent is not enough. God wants you day and night and not just on times you feel like you need Him. We have to hand over our life to God even though we feel like we need to live our own life. Our life is not our own. We need to trust God and with trusting Him comes surrender. Which we all know is not easy, to surrender is to lose. But when it comes to God surrender means you have won.

God loves us and He shows us this in his word, God says he loves us, that we are never out of his sight, He cares about every detail of our life. He gave us the capacity to enjoy all kinds of pleasure, he has good plans for our life. He forgives us. And He is lovingly patient with us. God loves us infinitely more than we can imagine. But Gods greatest expression of this is the sacrifice of God's Son for our sins. Look to the cross, Jesus is holding his arms open showing you I love you this much!! I don't know about you but when I think about what Jesus did for me and everyone. I can't help but to get goosebumps. Its so amazing that God would save us when he could of destroyed us. Now that's true Love!!

"You can't call Jesus your Lord when you refuse to obey him".How amazing is that. We need to let go and let Jesus take the driver seat. Pull our arms away and just let go. Jesus always knows what is best for us. Is there anything laying hard on your heart today.. Let it go and give it to Jesus!!

By letting go of that which holds you back, you are proclaiming to God that you are truly ready for all the good you deserve to flow into your life; If you keep holding on, your message to God is that you are NOT ready; therefore YOU are the one responsible for creating the circumstances that continually hold you back.A lot of people think that holding on makes them strong; actually, it's the ability to let go when you know that it is time to move on that makes you stronger.

When times are hard just remember that our God is a faithful God and He wouldn't put you through nothing that you could not handle!

Special was the moment I realized, that I have held on to something I did not own, nor did it own me..instead, wisdom has once again swung in defence to better me without my understanding. Or maybe part of my wisdom comes from that important guy that when in his presence or talking to brings something out in me!!

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