Aug 11, 2009


You have absolutely NO RESPECT for human life whatsoever. And I think you’re a SELFISH person. Yes, blood is supposed to be thicker then water, but that only applies when it suits you.
Who died & made you think that you’re above me because you’re a mother? I guess it’s more like; who woke up & made you think you can throw it in my face that you’re a mother & I am not.
If you had at least an ounce of respect for your family, you would’t go around telling people that you’re pregnant and going to terminate it. Are you seriously that selfish of a person to even do that and even have the guts to even say those words? Especially to me, someone that lost there child in the most horrible way. It’s not a game sweetheart; it’s a very serious thing!! And it sickens me that you think you can pick and choose what child to keep and one to abort. You have a beautiful baby now and just because you’re not ready for another baby; you think that it’s okay to terminate it. Well; let me tell you something sweetheart; IT”S NOT!! If you had an ounce of moral fiber in your body and respect for yourself and your unborn child, you would know that without a doubt it’s morally WRONG!! Every child deserves a change at life, & your child deserves to have that change.

With every fiber of my being I wish my baby, that sweet innocent baby was still in this world. But I know that God got a precious angel baby that day, and I know that God will bless me with another precious baby one day when I’m ready and the person I marry is ready. God had other plans for me and my baby, and I’m strong in my faith to understand it regardless of how much it hurts. And for you to just do what you’re doing and throw it at me like its nothing. At first, I was hurt, sick to my stomach and angry. Now I’m just sad and all the above.

How can you walk away from your unborn child? An action you choose to make alone. Now he or she is growing everyday. How could you not want to know how your child is growing? How could you not care for your baby whose molding? How could you go on with your life and not for a second in the day - think of your child that you created? How could you say you don’t what him or her when you have yet to hold them in your arms or be there for anything? How could you do this & pick with child to have and which not to!! How could you be so inconsiderate? How could you deal with not knowing that innocent child? How could you want to miss out on there first hello's or a first "I love you mommy"? How could you do this to your unborn child?

Well; you are entitled to be and think that way. And I am entitled to sit here at my end knowing that I have better morals and values. And a lot more respect for human life. I love you, you’re my blood; and I will always love you. But I don’t have to agree with that your doing and the choices you’re making & you no longer have my respect.

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